Edoward Gilbert

Edoward Gilbert


He is a junior and friend of Allen and Louis.

Age: 21

Height: about 5.7 feet(173cm)

Race: Half Dolbazian, half Japanese


BORN: August 23, 1987

SEXUALITY: bisexual

Likes: playing guitar, smoking, meat, pizza (no pineapple allowed), emo fashion, nightcore, energy drinks, sleeping, cooking, Allen, Louis, own sister and father

Dislikes: people talking bad about family and friends, discrimination, being at someone's mercy, raw fish, closed spaces, his own mother

His family is poor, so he works for his family (or rather his big sister) at various part-time jobs.

Pronunciation of edoward is the same as Polish.That is, pronounce the R sound.(In romaji e-do-wa-RU-do)

His natural hair was black and his eyes were originally blue. As for the color of his eyes, they became darker over time.

He treasures the acoustic guitar Allen gave him and still plays it and holds it when he is anxious.
He is called Eddie by Allen and Louis. (Later, a person will call him K. She would become a major life-changing figure in his life.<3)

He often has bad rumors about him. And it may be true...